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  • Kim

The Eagle

Updated: Sep 2, 2020

"As an eagle stirs up its nest, hovers over its young, spreading out its wings, taking them up, carrying them on its wings." Deuteronomy 32:11

As the old yellow school bus crested the hill each morning carrying me to school, the first sight I would see is the big eagle, wings spread wide; painted on the side of the high school building. As soon as I would spot her it would bring attention to the fear I had growing in me of, "What if Jesus came back now and I was separated from my family?" "What if we were carried into the air with Him and I couldn't find mama and daddy?" "What if I never saw them again?" "What if I couldn't find them up there in heaven, it's a big place, you know?"

I'm not sure where this fear came from, I don't even know if it was fear or just anxious thoughts of the school day ahead. Whatever it was that eagle (our school mascot) was comforting to me and I believe it was God's way of speaking into my little heart that it will be okay; reminding me that I am not alone. By the time we reached the front doors of my elementary school I was calmer and more confident in trusting Him. God really was right there protecting me, guiding me and strengthening me. I may not have had the words then to explain this to you, as an elementary child, but my heart knew what I was feeling.

Jesus came to live in my heart when I was six years old. I had much ground to cover on those school campuses, and I believe He gave me this constant image of how He keeps an eye out for His children. From all the school bus rides over the years to then, driving up this same hill as a teenager, I would always catch the eye of this prominent, painted eagle and gather strength and a peace that took me throughout my day. (And still to this day I am reminded of that same comfort whenever I come across a picture of this beautiful artwork on my old high school building.) My heart is content in knowing that my heavenly Father loves and cares for me and that He provides exactly what I need when I need it.

The above scripture is just a very small part of the song Moses read to the Israelites. Moses compared the loving care of God for His people to that of an eagle for her young.

I am sure you know that an eagle teaches her babies to fly by pushing them out of the nest so that they may try their wings? But did you know she doesn't leave them to fend for themselves, she swoops down below and allows them to drop onto her wings, then carries them safely to the nest? Just as the Lord took Israel from captivity in Egypt and put them into the middle of the desert, He did not leave them there to fend for themselves. He remained with them to give them protection, strength, and guidance and He is doing that for us today. Praise God!

"And the Lord, He is the One who goes before you. He will be with you, He will not leave you nor forsake you; do not fear nor be dismayed." (Deut. 31:8)

I love you & He loves you more!

Lord, Thank You for giving that little girl comfort in her time of need. When anxious thoughts enter in, what gentle love You provided. I pray today that I would grasp Your robe and feel the comfort there. May I cling to you when times feel out of control, knowing that You are all I need. There is power in Your presence. Thank You. In Jesus' name. Amen.

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