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  • Kim

The Cleansing Power of Confession

"Then I acknowledged my sin to you and did not cover up my iniquity. I said, "I will confess my transgressions to the Lord." And you forgave the guilt of my sin." Psalm 32:5

Confession is a huge step in our profession of faith. I've never really given it much thought, let's face it, as a six year old what sin did I have to confess to God (not that he rates sin, but we do)? It wasn't that hard for me to confess and be saved. I didn't have that much to give...or did I? Maybe I gave more than I thought, because as a six year old it was all that I had.

It was the sin that made me feel dirty inside. It was the weight that held me down and far away from Him. It was the indifference I had that required confession to make it right. It was my sin that brought to my attention that I was in need of a Savior.

Just like the woman that gave her last two pennies, it was so little in the eyes of the wealthy that were giving from their abundance, but it was so much to her because it was all she had.

(Luke 21:1-4)

Confession means "to say the same" or "to agree" with God that we see our sin as He sees it. Unconfessed sin is a wall that separates us from God.

We have to see sin for what it is and acknowledge that we need forgiveness of that sin. We need confession of our personal sin and belief in Christ so that we can have an intimate

relationship with Him.

Confession is essential to the believer's relationship with God, and to fellowship with others.

Confessing our sin isn't something we only do at the time we are saved, it is an ongoing practice; everyday. We confess, repent and move forward, away from the sin. We are human and we have a sinful nature, but we can't lean on that crutch. We strive to be like Jesus. We live out the change He made in us on the day of our salvation. As Christians when we do fall to sin we now have the Holy Spirit who convicts us and we know we have to confess. After confessing our sin and being forgiven we can rest easy knowing that we are on solid ground and walking in a right fellowship with our Creator.

I love you & He loves you more!

Lord, Forgive me of my sins. Wash me and make me new. I want to live for you with a clear conscious and an upright spirit so that I can have a closer relationship with You and to be a better witness. Amen.

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Dec 27, 2019

If before the struggle we could just release and surrender to Him how sweet that would be but we are human.

The struggle is real, my friend.♥️


Dec 27, 2019

A good reminder. We will always struggle with our fallen nature.

There is great comfort in knowing He will forgive our sins if we but ask.

Lord, I want to live for you. Forgive my sins.

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