"Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the Lord your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you."
Deuteronomy 31:6
Could you use some today? I could.
I can be a confident person in most cases, especially in instances when I know how to carry out something or I know the outcome. But give me a task that I'm not completely sure of and the Cowardly Lion comes out in me. I begin to press on the break. I back pedal as fast as I can.
But do you know how many times in the Bible God says, "Take courage"? ONLY 116!
He constantly reminds us that we are not alone.
*He is with us. (Zeph. 3:17)
*He goes before us. (Deut. 31:8)
*He equips us. (Heb. 13:21,22)
*He guards us. (Phil. 4:7)
*He will not leave us. (Josh. 1:5)
Is there something in your life you know you need to do that you just don't feel quite capable of? Something that God wants you to do but you keep making excuses? Maybe your listening too intently to the voices that tell you "you can't".
Can I give you some advice that I could use myself?
Don't waste anymore time waiting (for the perfect time), wondering (if you are capable), or listening (to the voices of doubt).
We all know that time is a thief. So... time-is-a-wastin'! What are you waiting for?
"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9
There's a song that inspires me when I'm needing some courage, maybe it will inspire you too. The Voice of Truth by Casting Crowns.
"...step out of your comfort zone
to the land of the unknown
where Jesus is
and He's holding out His hand..."
The Lord our God has equipped you with all you need. He is right there with you.
He is waiting!
So...take His hand and do the thing!
I love you & He loves you more!
Lord, May we take courage and trust in Your ability and not ours. May we listen to the voice of Truth. Show us the way and may we keep our eyes on You. Help us to step out of our comfort zone and run to You. Amen.