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  • Kim

Don't Forget Your Umbrella

"Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord, For the husband is head of the wife; as also Christ is head of the church; and He is the Savior of the body." Ephesians 5:22,23

I love a good summer rain. Slow, drizzly, constant, wetness. As long as I am inside; even better when I am at home inside, looking out my window just enjoying the calm, refreshing coolness of it all.

I am most happy when there is nowhere I have to go; nowhere I have to be while it is raining. Now when I do have to go out in it I am sure to be prepared. My rain jacket, rain boots, and a really good, dependable umbrella, most of the time with a back up umbrella incase the first one fails me.

I do not like to get wet! It's one of the worst feelings to me to get caught out in a downpour with no shelter; no cover. (I know..."first world problems".)

I thought I might be the only person who had such a hang-up for getting caught in a downpour but years ago, at a youth retreat I met my "wet-hating twin". Me and another counselor had taken the girls out for a little hike in the woods. It was a beautiful day. The warm summer sun was kissing the tops of our heads and the breeze was just perfect to keep us cool on our little journey. We had strolled a good distance away from our camp when out of nowhere it began to sprinkle. We called ahead for the girls to turn around, we needed to head back! (Quickly please!!!) They obviously didn't see the problem we were facing. They giggled and ignored our pleadings. The sprinkle soon turned into an outright downpour. We were by then yelling for the girls to come back, we had to hurry or we were going to be soaked! Still, no response. They freely danced and laughed, arms in the air and faces up to the skies. Having a good ole time! All the while the two crazy counselors were huddled together under a tree becoming more drenched by the minute.

We learned a lot on that hike with those young girls. We may have even loosened up a little and learned to dance in the rain without a care in the world.

And we thought we were there that weekend to teach them. Huh?

I am so thankful for the double seal I have under the umbrella of my husband and that of our Lord. Dana shields and protects me by his godly leadership. He advises with the Lord on our behalf and knows how to be the Spiritual head of our household. I lovingly submit to him and pray that he stays in a right relationship with our Savior so that he will always be the leader God would have him be. Girls, our husbands have a huge responsibility and I don't take my prayers for him lightly. You shouldn't either.

God is our ultimate umbrella. "He covers us with His feathers, and under His wings we take refuge" (Psalm 91:4). The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer; My God, my strength, in whom I will trust; My shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold." (Psalm 18:2)

That means He is our rain jacket, our rain boots, and our extremely durable umbrella all in one. It'll be okay girls! Let's dance in the rain!

I love you & He loves you more!

Lord, You are all we need! Bless our husbands and remind us to always lift them up in prayer. Strengthen our bond and may we look to You for our every move. Amen.

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Nov 22, 2019

My pleasure!😍 ILY2


Dana Lewis
Nov 22, 2019


Thank you for praying for me daily.


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