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  • Kim

Blessed Assurance

"For thus says the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel:

"In returning and rest you shall be saved; in quietness and confidence shall be your strength."' Isaiah 30:15

Who can use some quietness and confidence today? And I don't mean a quietness around us but inside of us. A confidence that isn't really about you and what you can do...

Quiet-Confidence: tranquility; a feeling or consciousness of one's powers or of reliance on one's circumstances. (Webster's)

The Bible's definition:

In the Old testament the words confidence and assurance are different forms of the same Hebrew word. Isaiah adds the concept of "quietness":

In the New Testament: The words are translated in Greek: assurance, persuaded, convinced. This conveys the same ideas of the meanings in the Old.

Assurance is not based on our own abilities, but instead it means having an inward peace of God's righteous work in us.

I believe our confidence should come from knowing our Lord. Having that calm, quiet, peaceful existence in Him. Knowing and being in His Word. (Psalm 1:5)

Drawing close to Him each day so that He can draw close to us. (James 4:8)

When we set our foundation on knowing all about Him then we are building a stable, confident, quiet and peaceful existence for ourselves which reaches out and touches everyone we come in contact with. But most importantly, when He is our confidence then He gives us an abiding strength.

Let's work on our confidence in the Lord. When we allow Him to build us up we can accomplish tasks He sets before us with:

Wisdom and Strength. (Job 12:13)

Quietness and Assurance. (Isa. 32:17)

Peace and Prosperity. (1 Sam. 25:6)

Girls, I encourage you to seek the Lord with all of your heart. Be sensitive to the Holy Spirit and study the Word. You won't regret it. He will fill you with His peace, you can be assured of that!

I love you & He loves you more!

Lord, I praise Your Holy name! You are good! You are righteous! May we study Your Word to show ourselves approved unto You and receive a quiet confidence through Your strength only. Amen.

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