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  • Kim

Amazing Love

Updated: Nov 9, 2019

"How precious also is Your thoughts to me, O God! How great is the sum of them! If I should count them, they would be more in number than the sand"

Psalm 139: 17-18

Let's go to the beach, okay!?!

A warm summer day. The sun is so bright I've gotta wear shades. The breeze wafting off the glistening gulf. The sounds of the waves and the smell of the sea air immediately relax and revive me all at the same time. As I sit in the warm sand and pick up a handful of the tiny particles and let them sift through my fingers, I look up at the expanse of all the white, beautiful acres of it all around me. There is no way I could count every grain. And then it hits me, that is God's thoughts toward me, in David's words.

More than the amount of sand on the sea shore and even into the depths of the water. My Savior thinks good thoughts toward me. He is completely and totally in love with me. And guess what? He loves you the same.

He made us and gives us life. (Job 33:4)

He loves us with an everlasting love. (Jeremiah 31:3)

He is our refuge and our strength. (Psalm 46:1)

He will fight for us. (Neh. 4:20)

If our Savior, who knows us better than we know ourselves thinks good thoughts of us, then why should we not think good thoughts of our self?

When you have a moment of self-doubt.

When you feel like a failure.

When you beat yourself up with words of criticism.

When you lose confidence in your place in this world.

Remember...our Savior thinks you are perfect (Gen. 1:27). He is so in love with you (Eph, 2:4). He formed you in your mother's womb (Jerm. 1:5). He predestined your life before you were even born (Romans 8:30).

Go out! Be bold and be beautiful! Shine Your light for all to see, for your Creator thinks the world of you!

I love you & He loves you more!

Lord, Your love is amazing! Help us to grasp the depth of it when we are feeling at our lowest. Thank You for giving each of us a purpose. When we are just not feeling we measure up remind us of what Jesus did for us on the cross. I love You! Amen.


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