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  • Kim

The Vine We Can Trust

Updated: Jun 11, 2020

"Some trust in chariots, and some in horses; But we will remember the name of the Lord our God." Psalm 20:7

Have you ever heard of the Liana Climbing Vine? It's this huge vine that grows in the soil and uses trees to grow vertically in the forest or wooded areas. For example, the forest surrounding the back of our property when we lived in Birmingham.

Now I don't know for sure if the vine I am about to tell you about is a Liana Climbing Vine but if not, it missed a good chance.

One summer we had one of these enormous vines hanging from some of our large trees on the edge of our yard. Tammy, myself and a few of the neighborhood kids spotted it as we were out one day exploring the forest (actually a cluster of trees, but we liked to use our imagination). This tree just so happen to be right on the edge of a small hill that rolled down into our backyard.

Now Tammy and the others were somewhat older and bigger than me so I tended to follow the leader in all the adventures. I was just thrilled to be hanging with the "big kids". I had to stand a bit taller and be a bit braver than I really was so I put on a bold face, stuck my chest out and sometimes held my breath.

On finding this astonishing hanging vessel we (they) decided to take turns swinging off the hill and back holding to this rope. I wasn't so sure about this endeavor but I couldn't be a baby and back out. I did however have to go last because...well...seniority and all. There were probably five of them and then me. I waited patiently for my turn knowing that I had to swing hard and hang on tight. Do my best "Tarzan" to impress the onlookers so that I could stake my claim in this tribe.

Finally it was my turn. I grab the rope as best I could and standing on tippy toes I jump up and swung out over the hill knowing that it would be over soon, as quickly as my feet could touch the ground again. But I never made it back to that ground where the gang was standing. As soon as my feet left the earth and moved me forward away from the edge, the vine came tumbling down out of the trees and so did I. My body hit the ground with a woody, gnarled, pile of broken vine falling on top of me. By being the last one to take a ride it had loosened the vine until finally it couldn't hold out any longer and decided to let go as soon as I was making my debut.

Maybe I shouldn't have placed any wager in this activity, maybe I should have tested the strength of this twine I was trusting my life and limb to. Maybe I was too caught up in being included that I put my aliveness at risk.

So what horses or chariots are you trusting in?

Just like this vine-like rope I counted on, we should be careful who and what we trust. As an adult I believe I trust in myself too much. When I have all of my resources readily available; when I have knowledge of the subject I am facing; when I am well prepared for whatever lies ahead of me and everything is right with my world then I am ready to face any situation.

When do I trust in the Lord? Did I leave room for Him to work through me? Of course I believe we should prayerfully prepare and take action in putting our best foot forward, but we should first lean into our Creator. He knows our every path and He would never place us in a position that He hasn't already equipped us to walk through.

Girls, this is where we should dive into His Word. Know Him. Believe Him. Trust Him.

He has gone before us. (Deut.9:3)

He makes a way. (2 Sam. 22:33)

He supplies our every need. (Phil. 4:19)

He is right beside us. (Psalm 110:5)

He will never leave us or forsake us. (Deut. 31:6)

"They have bowed down and fallen; But we have risen and stand upright." (Psalm 20:8)

The chariots and horses and (the swingin vine) will fail, but those who trust in the Lord can stand. Praise God! For He is the vine and we are the branches. (John 15:5)

I love you & He loves you more!

Lord, May we not trust in the chariots or horses of our lives but trust only in You. Build us up and show us Your way and may we rise and stand upright and call You Lord. Amen.

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1 Comment

Dec 04, 2019

I am prone to trust in myself and my own cleverness. This is a big mistake. Thank you for your reminder. God bless you and your family.

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