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  • Kim


"And as Peter knocked at the door of the gate, a girl named Rhoda came to answer."

Acts 12:13

Rhoda was the maid of John Mark's mother, Mary, in whose home the small congregation in Jerusalem often gathered to pray. One night, they had prayed long past midnight for the release of Peter from prison. Since James, the brother of John, had already been put to death, the church feared the same fate for Peter.

During the prayer session, Rhoda heard a knock at the gate and ran to the door. She immediately recognized Peter's voice when he spoke to her. But in her excitement, she failed to open the door. She left Peter standing outside the closed gate. As she ran into the room interrupting those praying, Rhoda announced with great excitement that Peter himself stood at the door. They did not believe her; filling the air with questions, some even commenting that it was possibly Peter's angel, (it was a common Jewish belief that every Israelite was given a special guardian angel who resembled that person). Some even spoke of her possibly losing her sanity.

Rhoda knew, along with the others, that Peter was being held in a well-guarded prison but she was confident in believing the voice she heard on the other side of that door was Peter's voice.

She was extremely excited but not surprised that God had heard the prayers of the congregation. Even though they needed to open the door and see Peter with their own eyes, Rhoda had faith great enough to know God would answer their prayers, even in the most unexpected ways.

Rhoda's name means "rose." She lived about A.D. 43, during the first Christian persecution of Herod Agrippa, the grandson of the infamous Herod the Great. The mundane tasks assigned to Rhoda as a household servant did not keep her from experiencing the joys of being a part of kingdom business through her genuine, believing faith.

Where does your faith stand? Are you a Rhoda or part of the questioning congregation?

I love you & He loves you more!

Lord, May we learn from each of the women of the Bible what true, genuine, believing faith looks like. May we have faith of a mustard seed to carry on in this life You bless us with each day. Help us to live out loud for You. In Jesus' name. Amen.

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2 comentários

29 de ago. de 2020

Good morning, Bill.

Yes. I am trusting and believing that God will see us through this dark time to brighter days.

If we believe in Jesus, we have faith, as Rhoda did, in who stood on the other side of that door from her...without opening it.

Jesus is all we need.

Thank you for praying. I am encouraged everyday that mom is being healed by the great Physician’s touch.



29 de ago. de 2020

Good morning, Kim.

Another vignette plucked from the Scriptures. Rhoda was moved by the miraculous answer to prayer.

I pray that in these dark days (politically) we, too, will be moved by the works of our Savior. He is omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent. Let's keep our spiritual eyes open.

Praying for complete healing of you mother and strength and encouragement for her family.


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