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  • Kim

Knowing Our Boundaries

"This is love: that we walk in obedience to His commands." 2 John 1:6

I stood looking out the glass of the back door, holding what looks like a remote control in my hand, waiting patiently for Huck to do his business and come back to the door so I could let him in. One of the many times I have visited with Corey and Kristen, this is something I do for their dog, Huck, short for Huckleberry Holiday (from the movie; Tombstone.)

Huck is a big, white, goldendoodle that came to live with them during a time when they so terribly wanted a baby. They were getting advice from others that maybe they should stop trying and get a pet to set their minds on something else. Huck filled their arms and their hearts with joy and love when they felt so terribly empty (nine months later Logan was worked!)

During my many stays with them since Huck became a part of the family I have learned that living in a neighborhood where the houses sit about thirty-feet from each other gives a hairy, long-legged, eighty pound, horse-like dog with boundless energy lots of friendly faces to lick when he was freed from the confines of the inside of his house. He would run like the wind with no care of passing vehicles and pedestrians that might get in his way. No amount of training or yelling or chasing him would teach him of the dangers and the fear he struck in others, so enter 'the shock collar'. Now I know some people may not agree with this manner of training an animal to obey but Huck was not understanding the necessity to keep to himself and his parents wanted to save him from his own misfortune.

Over the time he was getting used to this piece of jewelry around his neck he caught quite a fright when he felt the zing of a current that might run through it when he wasn't obeying. I, on the other hand needed it for when he went out to relieve himself while I was in his charge and he just couldn't quite find his way back to the door of HIS home.

I am so thankful for the many different boundaries we have to keep us safe (and alive), aren't you? We learn as adults that boundaries are set in place for our own good, and the sooner we settle the matter of who is in charge of our life, the quicker we can freely live.

God's firm embrace is that of comfort and protection, not suffocation. When we settle the issue of authority, we are ready to begin learning about what it's like to have true freedom.

"I run in the path of your commands, for you have set my heart free." (Ps. 119:32)

Huck has been a good student. You only have to occasionally show him the remote now and he immediately obeys, he knows the boundaries (if only I could be that good of a student.)

I love you & He loves you more!

Dear Lord, You are faithful and good. Your commands do not go unnoticed by me. Help me to walk in obedience to You, for this is love (2 John 1:6). In Jesus' name. Amen.

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Oct 13, 2020

Good morning, Bill.

I thank my God for you. He knows your encouragement is just what I need.

Huck and Ivan are lucky dogs to own such caring humans. Discipline is part of loving and caring for animals and for people (not that we need shock collars around our necks😳). Thankfully.

I will have to check out your precious photos. I love pictures, mine are such a treasure to me.

God bless you, Bill.



Oct 13, 2020

Good morning, Kim.

Yet another privilege to to read your morning blog. I check my clock each morning to see if it is "blog-time".

I can certainly relate to Huck's training collar. We use one on our livestock guardian dog, Ivan.

It is a beautiful thing when we demonstrate our love through our obedience. May love be our motivation and not fear.

I am praying for your mom. I shared a few really good photos of my mother on Facebook yesterday and discovered a photo album of my father while I was working in my shed. I miss her more each day.

May you and your family have a blessed day.


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