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If I Could Talk To Her...

"Now may the Lord direct your hearts into the love of God and into the patience of Christ." 2 Thessalonians 2:5

Dear Younger Me,

I want to write you this letter to let you know some of the things you're going to learn over the years of growing up. Your childhood will be filled with care-free days and two parents who love you. Through your pre-teen years you'll learn about friendship. There will be some bumpy roads on knowing who is a true friend and who is not. You'll have hurt feelings that may bring you to tears occasionally but no worries, you work your way through and gather really good friends in the end. You will learn to forgive and be forgiven more times than not.

Looking forward to your senior year of high school be prepared, your parents will throw you for a loop with some huge, unexpected plans for the family. Just trust that they know what's best for you and move along with their agenda. It turns out really good for you in the end.

As your last year of school quickly comes to an end don't fret about what you're suppose to do next, just pray. God will lead you and I suggest you follow Him.

You will land a job that will carry you through another year of your life and then you will meet 'The Boy'. You'll know him when you see him. Your heart will skip a beat and you'll get lost in his baby blues. Just know he's the one. You are going to face some real life challenges before you even begin your life together so take hold of your faith and run to the Lord; He will see you through.

You will marry this young guy and quickly have a family. You will learn and grow as a couple and find out just what you are made of. The change life brings isn't so bad and through devotion to one another, hard work and dedicating yourself to the Lord and to building a strong marriage you will see how faithful God truly is. Your understanding of love will grow too.

With each year of marriage and two baby boys to raise, God will teach you the meaning of understanding, giving, sacrifice and true love. A glimpse of the love He gave on the cross. You will witness God's love for you every time your husband willingly goes out of his way to make the best life for you and those boys. You will share your days with each other, and you'll learn to hope for the future together.

God will introduce two very different but very sweet girls to your family. Your relationships with them will be beyond what you ever expected from family members that were not born to you. He will bless you with grandbabies, and oh my, the grandest love you'll ever experience. Hold on to your heart because you will immediately give pieces of it to each of them when you look in their tiny faces for the very first time. You will love in the deepest part of your being. It will be a warm, inviting love that has no fear of rejection.

You will grow in your spiritual life seeking the Lord for refreshment, answers, forgiveness and strength. Seek Him now; there's no better time than the present.

So be excited about this adventure called life. God is refining you and teaching you about Himself through life, love, marriage and relationships. It is an awesome ride!

I love you & He loves you more!

Lord, Thank You for the blessings that make up my life. Thank You for teaching me through living that I can always depend on You. Help me to keep a healthy perspective on what really matters. In Jesus' name. Amen.

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May 23, 2020


You are truly a blessing to me, I have told you many times. I savor every moment we have spent talking about the Lord, praying for answers and guidance and experiencing His amazing blessings come to life over all these years.

You have brought such joy to our family and I truly thank God for you.



May 23, 2020

I may just write one.


May 23, 2020

Good morning, Bill.

I would love to read your letter. Write one please! And to think I fell apart moving just an hour away when you moved across the country but oh the sights you got to see.

Share, please.😁

I hope your day is blessed.



May 23, 2020

Aww Bo! I love this! Look at you making me cry first thing Saturday morning!

I am so thankful to God for blessing me with Corey, the man I think He picked for me even before we were born. Who led me to the sweetest, loving and most Godly in-laws. And then to put the cherry on top of the cake, blessing me with the most perfect rainbow baby, Logan Olivia. 💕🌈

I am blessed way beyond than what I deserve, and I can never thank God enough for the life He has allowed me to live. ♥️


May 23, 2020

Good morning, Kim

Today's blog is absolutely beautiful. Well written.

Probably should be attempted writing goal of every grandparent.

I moved from comfortable sunny Southern California to the Andes Mountains of Ecuador midway through my senior year in high school. A magnificent blessing if there ever was one.

May God bless you and your family.


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