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  • Kim


"To this end I also labor, striving according to His working which works in me mightily." Colossians 1:29

He was late to get his spot at the starting line. He rushed to the restroom for a quick pit stop before running his race at the Junior High Cross Country Meet. As he was making his way back I waved him on to let him know they had started lining up and he needed to put a rush on. He started out at a sprint but halfway there realized he forgot his racing bib number back at the team tent so he headed that way instead. I met him there and haphazardly pinned it on as fast as I could as he tore away at a rapid pace eager to make it in time.

Corey was a serious and focused team player in all sports he played. He wanted to do his best, showing up with strong endurance for whatever he faced. Even though, in my opinion, running is more of an individual sport, your finish time counts and comes to a grand total to find the winning team.

The tent was about thirty yards away from the starting line and just about the time he took off for it the gun sounded and the runners were off, leaving Corey behind. That wouldn't stop him though he took off like a bolt of lightning and was going to run anyway for he showed up that day to compete and that was what was on his mind to do.

His coach caught him just a few feet from the course and told him it was too late, the runners were out of sight. He was heart broken, trying hard not to show his emotions, but wanting so badly to run his race he practiced for all week. Striving to meet his goal which had no chance of being met for that day.

In this passage Paul was preaching to the saints, reminding them to continue in the faith, being grounded and steadfast and not moved away from the hope of the gospel which was being preached to them.

Paul was rejoicing in his sufferings through Christ and speaking of his ministry according to the stewardship from God of the hope of glory. Christ he preached; warning and teaching every man in all wisdom to be present, everyone perfect in Christ Jesus. And to this very end we should labor, striving according to His working which works in us mightily, giving us the endurance we need and the desire we have to run our race fully trusting in Jesus. Showing our hope in the One that never gives up but see us through to the end.

Corey ran his race that day. His coach made a way for him to run later with the high school kids. Even though they ran a longer, faster course than he was used to, he was ready and he finished with a good time.

We should face our Christian walk with determination to strive daily according to the Lord. For He works mightily in us as we labor to do His will.

I love you & He loves you more!

Lord, Breathe life into us as we face these times that seem to get more uncertain with each passing day. May we rise up and on all accounts call You Lord. You are worthy. In Jesus' name. Amen.

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