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  • Kim


Updated: Sep 10, 2020

'After the wind there was an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake. After the earthquake came a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire. And after the fire came a gentle whisper." 1 Kings 19:11-12

I love taking my car through a car wash. You might just find me there at least once a week sitting in my car in the midst of the pink and blue and yellow foam as it rolls across my windshield. The big pads that sway back and forth across the body of my car are so satisfying to me (and don't let me get started on the parking spaces of vacuums). As I watch the strong mist of water spray away the dirt and grime and bubbles, leaving a clear, shiny reflection, I drive away with a fresh, clean, light feeling that will take me through to the next week (or the next mud puddle).

The car wash can be a loud place to be, but when I am housed safely inside my car the noise of the machines are dulled to a more blissful hum, knowing the satisfaction I will drive away with.

This makes me think of my quiet time and how I have told you before about my prayer journaling. I write in it each morning, pouring my heart out to the Lord. Sharing my thoughts, emotions, my insecurities. I write names of people that come on my mind at that moment and people that have asked me to pray for them. I jot down scriptures that touch me that particular morning and I praise God for all He has done for me. But, sometimes I will get down on my knees and pray.

Sometimes the Lord impresses on me to bend my knees and be still. No writing, no thinking, no moving. Just humble submission before my God. I obediently move onto the floor at the end of my sofa and as I am making my way tears begin to fall. I immediately start to praise His name and thank Him for moving me in this posture of praise and adoration. Sometimes I pour my heart out. Words come fast and hard when I'm not having to write them, but sometimes I kneel in quiet and perfect peace before Him, calming my heart to abide with His. I can't explain the feeling; the emotion that comes over me during this time. I am at rest with my Savior and He is loving on me; gently whispering in my ear His care for me.

When we are finished with our prayer time I walk away with that clear, clean feeling as in driving away from the car wash (but even better). My insides have been cleansed and renewed. My faith has been made stronger and my walk with the Lord has been revived (a revival of my heart).

If you are going through the earthquakes or fires of life, don't take for granted that gentle whisper.

"Cause me to hear Your lovingkindness in the morning, for in You do I trust; cause me to know the way in which I should walk, for I lift up my soul to You." (Ps. 143:8)

I love you & He loves you more!

Lord, You own the strings to my heart and I wouldn't have it any other way. I praise You for calling out to me in my time of need. Thank You for drawing me close and allowing me to be silent as You lavish Your love on me. In Jesus' name. Amen.

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