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  • Kim

Be An Encourager

Updated: Dec 14, 2020

"Whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable...dwell on these things." Phillipians 4:8

I love the movie The Help. Dana had put it in my stocking for Christmas years ago knowing that I would enjoy the era in which it was being portrayed and the overall storyline. I have watched it many times and even will watch it of late if it happens to be on the television.

My favorite part in the movie is when Aibileen was pouring words of affirmation into Mae Mobley. Aibileen was investing in this sweet little girl; teaching her how to have self confidence and assurance in who she is now and what she can one day become. And to not believe the lies people tell her that causes pain and heartache even when those people are the ones who are suppose to love you the most.

"You is kind

You is smart

You is important." -The Help

I think of this quote when I read the above scripture verse. Paul, in writing this letter to the Philippian church, wanted to send love and affirmation to the Philippians.

The women of Philippi had great independence. They gathered for meetings, ran their own businesses and even feuded in the church. Two women in the church, when this letter was written, were feuding with one another and were not coming to a resolve (Phil. 4:2,3). Paul wanted them to know that they should get along; be grateful; be joyful; and lift each other up in love.

We must work together because as Christians we are on the same team. Arguing will get us nowhere. There is no competition when it comes to winning souls to Christ and loving others as Jesus does.

We should keep our eyes on the destination but focus on our daily journey. Our attitude, body language, and our words are very important to our daily walk in order for us to show others Christ's love.

Paul reminded them, "Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me-put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you." (Phil. 4:9)

Girls, lets aspire to exemplify Christ in our daily lives. Lets invest in others by lifting them up, loving on them and giving them inspiration through genuine compliments and encouragement. I don't know about you but I desire the God of peace to dwell within me. I live for that!

Encouragement should be our second language right after love, of course. "...please let your word be like the word of one of them, and speak encouragement." (2 Chr. 18:12)

I love you & He loves you more!

Lord, May the words of Paul soak into our being. May we dwell on all these things and let them build our confidence and assurance in what You have done in us so that then we can give them as gifts to others that step across our path. May we be the change this world needs. Amen.

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Dec 17, 2019

Yes and amen!

We can’t be perfect but we can walk in the shadow of the Perfect One.

I hope your feeling better today. You’ve been in my prayers.♥️


Dec 17, 2019

Very truthful words for today and everyday.

We should all live out these verses.

Thank you, Kim.

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