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  • Kim

...And the Two Shall Become One

"Catch us the foxes,

The little foxes that spoil the vines,

For our vines have tender grapes."

-Song of Solomon 2:15

Let's talk about marriage...

I don't know if you've read much in the Song of Solomon, otherwise known as the Song of Songs in the Hebrew language. King Solomon claims authorship of this book. He was the wisest man of his day, he reigned as King for forty years, and this book is thought to have been written during the early years of his command. So many scholars believe this poetic book to have been an expression of human physical love within a marriage and also an entrance into the relationship of Christ and His bride, the church.

When Solomon is talking about "foxes in the vineyard" he is referring to 'foxes' as the pests that would ruin the grapes and cause all kinds of problems for the vineyard keeper.

We have to be diligent as vineyard keepers of our marriage. The 'foxes' are the problems we have in our marriage.

Here are of a few of the problems that may arise in your marriage:

*Intimacy issues

*Communication difficulties

*Financial differences

*Church attendance and where?

*Disagreements in disciplining the children, ect.

First we have to have intimacy in check at all times because that is usually where the break down begins and all other areas start to suffer. Where subtle issues start to creep in and cracks in our relationship start to form.

Intimacy is only shared with your husband and it is meant to be special; God-given; a gift. It cultivates the air between you. It helps keep the walls of doubt and insecurity broken down that sometimes build up in a marriage.

We must always be working toward open communication, respect, and protection of our relationship. Marriage is a sacred union. Before God, family and friends, we promised to love and cherish each other "until death do us part". Let's strive for greatness, Amen?

The goal in my marriage is to make Dana proud; proud of us. For him to never doubt my love for him and to know he can trust me, always. I want him to know that he is cherished by me. Marriage, as you know, is not always easy but it is a lifelong pursuit that I am willing to give my very best.

There are so many obstacles that can get in the way of building a strong marriage. The emphasis we place on our children, jobs, interests/hobbies, friends can easily be what holds us apart, placing one or all of them before our spouse.

Just like everything else our marriage has its seasons. We have to ebb and flow with the changes and meet in the middle to make things work for each of us at different times.

Be assured that next to our relationship with God, our relationship with our husband is the most crucial. We cannot put off what needs our attention now. We have to put him first before anyone or anything else except God, of course. When God is number one in your life everything else will take its respective place.

Girls, he is your forever and always best friend; your partner in love and in life. God gave him to you, he is your gift, so treat him like he is treasured. You will not regret putting in the time and effort it takes to make a great marriage. You will thank me later, and most importantly one day your children will thank you!

I love you & He loves you more!

Lord, I am so grateful to You for the union of marriage between a man and a woman. I give You all my praise for the love and the trust that Dana and I share. May we cherish each other and treasure our marriage so that it may honor You. Amen.

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Dec 31, 2019


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