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  • Kim

12 Things Happy People Do...

Updated: Jun 25, 2020

"You will show me the path of life; in Your presence is fullness of joy; at Your right hand are pleasures forevermore." Psalm 16:11

1. First of all happiness is not a destination it is enjoying the journey. Choose happy on this road to living.

2. Happy people live a slower paced lifestyle (they actually smell the roses.) They enjoy time with family and friends; soaking in every moment with them. Happy people have learned how to relax and live in the moment.

3. Happy people forgive. Forgiving people who have hurt you breaks their power over you. Forgiving yourself for your failures frees you for future success. Ask God to forgive you. Ask those you have hurt to forgive you. Make things right and release that burden you might be carrying.

4. Happy people hold no feelings of entitlement. No one owes you anything. Hard work pays off in the end.

5. Happy people have a great attitude. Your attitude is a choice not a character quality. We can control our feelings or we can be controlled by them.

6. Happy people focus on what they have instead of what they don't have. We can practice gratitude in whatever state we are in. Being content is a great way to have a more joyful outlook on where you are in life.

7. Happy people look at why they might want what they do not have. They ask themselves, "Would it really fulfill me?" "Is the person who has it truly happy?" and "What would it cost me to gain it?"

8. Happy people will take an overview of where they are in life and if they do not like what they see, they make changes. They take control of their own life. They set goals and make a plan to reach those goals.

9. Happy people speak life. They choose words that uplift, encourage and bring positive energy into every situation. They live by the Golden Rule and their motto is always, "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all."

10. Happy people use no shortcuts. They do not detour to find an easier, shorter distance. They do the time and put in the effort. Focus on being intentional. Working hard; putting in the hours is part of the process and the journey.

11. Happy people think with significance. Significance is achieved by leaving the world better than you found it. People who think their life really matters are truly happy people.

12. Happy people are generous people. They give of their time and resources. They think of others before themselves and live in the moment. They find ways to serve others first.

I found this list I had made from a speech I heard years ago and wanted to share with you. If you're on a journey to being a happy person (or maybe a happier person) I hope this list helps you. Of course, my first choice is to open my Bible to find ways of being happy and that is where I have made some changes to this list over time.

As you live out the rest of this week you may come up with other ways you can be a happy person. You have an opportunity to invest in your own happiness everyday.

I want to challenge you to choose to love, choose to be kind and choose to be compassionate and in the end you will find happiness every time.

"A joyful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit dries up the bones." (Prov. 17:22)

I love you & He loves you more!

Lord, You are the source of our happiness. When we are sold out for You and trust Your way and follow Your Word that is where true happiness lies. May we seek You more and follow You closer. May we be Your disciple and love others the way You love. In Jesus' name. Amen.

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May 21, 2020

I hope you enjoyed your meal this morning with a great friend.

Thank you so much, Bill. I appreciate you!



May 21, 2020

Excellent thoughts for the day. I will be having breakfast with Hoyt Claburn this morning. That is a happy thought.

Keep up the good work, Kim.


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